Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't Forget To Eat

I was reading my Bible when I came across a story. It was one I had heard before in church, but it was likely that I had never read it for myself. The story I’m referring to is found in Acts 23:12-35 in case you’d like to read it. Anyways, one verse in the passage stuck out to me very strongly as I read.

Verse 12, “The next morning some Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves
with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.”

If you haven’t read the story, in the end the men involved in the plot do not succeed in their plan of murder. This made me wonder, “Did they keep their oath?” “Did they starve to death because of it?” “Or did they break it and eat?” To me, it seemed like a pretty stupid oath to make, mainly because it put your life at risk by possible starvation. Not a very wise thing to do, in my opinion. And not a very pleasant way to die, I’m sure. But even considering all my thoughts on the verse, at the time I couldn’t figure out why this verse stuck out to me so much. So finally, I decided it was an interesting verse and left it at that.

Not too long after that day, I found myself in a bit of a slump. I hadn’t read my Bible in several days, mainly because I felt inadequate. I knew I hadn’t been obeying God in a lot of ways lately and I sort of felt like I couldn’t come back and sit before God and read His word, when I was so far from living it. Unconsciously, I was not fellowshipping with God because I was trying to get my life in order first. I had unconsciously made an oath.

Finally, there came a day where I become so convicted of my idleness I, somewhat begrudgingly, sat down to read my Bible. For some reason, I flipped to Acts 23 once more. And as I read the passage, the reason verse had 12 stuck out to me suddenly became crystal clear. I had thought that making an oath not to eat or drink until a goal, such as the one in Acts 23, was fulfilled was stupid, but in essence I was doing the same thing. I was starving myself of God’s spiritual food, of daily bread (Luke 11:3) and living water (John 4:10) until I reached my goal of sorting my life out. But without it spiritual nourishment, I was growing weaker and weaker. And as I became weaker, I became less and less capable of fixing my life. I had no strength to stand up against my sin nature and do the right thing, because I wasn’t getting my strength from the Lord on a regular basis. I was just like those men in Acts. I was being stupid and I needed to stop. I needed to lay down my pride and nourish my soul. I needed to read my Bible and fellowship with God every day, even if my life wasn’t perfect. Because last time I checked, God takes imperfect people and makes them perfect. He can’t do anything with an already perfect person. He needs us to give Him our imperfections, so He can give us the strength to overcome them.

So moral of the story, don’t starve yourself of spiritual food. You wouldn’t start your day saying “I need to get everything on my to-do list done today, so I’m gonna wait to eat until everything is done.” No! You’d run out of strength! You wouldn’t be able to get anything done after awhile and you could even faint. Instead, you’d wake up in the morning and eat a good meal before going about checking things off your list. So, do the same thing with God. Start off your day nourishing your soul with His word and His presence. Use the strength He gives throughout your day as you strive to become more like Christ and fix your imperfections. Eat your daily bread and drink your living water. Don’t starve.

“Give us this day our daily bread” – Luke 11:3 “The Lord’s Prayer

Saturday, January 15, 2011

2010 - Blessed Year

Well, now that the holiday season is over, I’ve finally gotten a few moments of time to sit down and reminisce. 2010 has been a good year. The year opened with Music Man, a show that taught me more than ever, that when I am on stage, I am performing for an audience of One.
Next came Freeze Out at Lake Ann with my lovely Laura, where God urged me once again to be strong in living my faith. Soon came my first Calvary winter retreat, where God brought my heart once again to a place where I could surrender to Him. After getting end of school year stuff out of the way, such as Spring Concerts, Instrumental and Vocal S&Es, and Festivals, summer rushed in full blast, leading out with an amazingly fun marching band season.
In a rush came my first mission’s trip, to West Virginia, that changed my life in how God revealed to me my sin and His redemption, and how joyful and peaceful a life given fully to God can be. This was soon followed by summer camp at Lake Ann, summer Bible study and a marching band trip. Each event making it more evident to me how wonderful and fulfilling a life surrendered to God can be! Now, if only I could remember that and keep living that for the rest of the year, but alas. I fail at life so often, but never fear! God is still here! And He still loves me and picks me up when I fall…. Time and time again.
Anyways, with the fall came of course school, and band and orchestra and choir… and…. most excitingly…. THEATER! But theater wasn’t as it seemed. This year, theater brought to me one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life, and once again, when I had fallen away from God’s leading, God picked me up and led me to surrender my life and my ambitions fully to Him. Even though I didn’t understand, and even though it meant giving up everything I had worked so hard for, He told me it was for the best. So, I trusted Him and gave my life over to Him once more. And God took that surrendered heart and used it to for His glory.
I closed out my year playing Lily St. Regis in Annie at the Kalamazoo Civic. The blessings that came from that experience are too complex to even begin to explain here, but I have been blessed, very blessed. It humbling to realize that God uses me, lil’ me, who has time and time again, refused God and his help and tried to live life by myself and time and time again has fallen down, crying. But because of God’s great love, He has lifted me up once again and given me purpose and joy and love. I have been very blessed this past year, new friends, old friends, new experiences, new challenges, old challenges, new heights and new depths. Time and time again this year, I have taken my life into my own hands and soon after fallen into a steep valley, but time and time again, God has taken my hand and lifted me up, to heights where the view is fantastic. And I praise God, for giving me this wonderful view.
So, now a new year has begun. 2011. Looking back on the past year, I’ve had my ups and downs, but I’ve been immensely blessed. As I think back, I remember things that I have taken for granted, things that I should have been grateful for and wasn’t and that only makes my wonder at why God has blessed me even so much more. I don’t understand why God has blessed me even amidst my failings and rebellions, but I know He has. I don’t understand why He loves me, but I know He does. And that’s what I’m going to take into this next year, the knowledge that God loves me that God has blessed me.
I don’t know what this next year holds, but no matter what may come, I will remember how God has blessed a wretch like me and be thankful for His constant, never-ending love for me.